

Airtime and Euronext Corporate Solutions Partnership
Integrating Airtime's investor targeting solutions with Euronext Corporate Solutions' suite of investor relations, communications, governance, and compliance products, the partnership aims to provide listed companies with comprehensive tools to support their investor relations activities.
Offering a range of services tailored to meet diverse needs:
IR.Manager: CRM Software
For more information on how this collaboration can assist your investor relations efforts. Contact us!



CROSS ALLIANCE communication GmbH is one of Germany's leading investor relationsservice providers. From its headquarters in Munich and other locations in Frankfurt and Cologne, it supports clients in London, Amsterdam and throughout Germany in financial and corporate communications.

Thanks to her experienced team, she has in-depth expertise and maintains an extensive network in the financial community consisting of banks, financial journalists, investors and lawyers. In realising her clients' communication goals, she achieves high levels of effectiveness through highly individualised strategies across all media access channels.